Merry Christmas

Have a happy and safe Christmas everyone.

Bah Humbug…


ever the optimist… your post is a case in point.

I love having you follow me around like a puppy dog, posting after me where ever I go…

I’ll get you a box of milkbones for Christmas…

dont flatter yourself bob, you know damn well it’s you who is trying to follow me.

anyways… merry christmas to you and your family

guys, dont ruin christmas.

Merry christmas everyone , i know i know its the 24th, but still , everyone is probably busy tommorow , so im saying it now , have a a Merry Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza , or just a holiday, have fun drink lots and drive fast.

See u guys later , and once again happy holidays to all, yes Even u Applesauce/Ed

Who wants to go SON Christmas Carolling tonite?

Jingle Bells, Hector Smells and so on and so forth


too late!


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Everyone have a good New Year too.

And just a reminder that if you drink, stay the fuck away from driving.


good call…

drunk drivers ruin christmas

stfu noob


and street drifters ruin the rest of the year.

Merry Christmas SON.

Merry Christmas everyone! :santa:

All the best to you guys and the families…

Merry Christmas everyone!!! and Happy bday to the man Jesus.

Merry Christmas to all and all a good night

right back at ya buddy!

Bahaha, SON stole christmas! I spent it playing Hero-Online, a random free korean MMO, and managed to get my mount today. Horse FTW!

Merry Christmas everyone :wavey: