Merry Christmas

I disagree, Christmas has become too commercialized, with some fat ass named Santa that Coca Cola introduced. Before then, Christmas was only all about the birth of Jesus Christ, but to each their own, it’s all good spirits in the end for everyone.

weeell… you may have good intentions my friend… but you’d be dissapointed if you read into history beyond Sunday school :-/ Christmas never ever really had to do with Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)… it had more to do with Christians being assimilated into the Roman Empire. From the roman times to today the practices of what was inherited are indifferent if you really look into it. Check that youtube video I posted. Christmas unWrapped. Gifts, trees, santa clause, reindeer, magical stars, snow, not a single one thing has anything to do with Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) or his message to the children of israel (Jacob) to return to the law of Moses (peace be upon him). Even scholars state Jesus’ estimated birth is more in the likes of Spring, rather than cold time… amongst many other things. Not to break no hearts, but that’s what it is. Even Easter, it was more so inheritted from nordic pagan religions (look up ishtar) and the bunnies and the eggs and what have you… it’s not something that just recently became commercialized and corrupted. It is what it is, just more refined.

When I was a lil kid I participated in all these things ritually with no understanding or foreknowledge (obviously), but once I studied it… it all made sense… LOL I still remember when gifts were bought for me and then hidden from me and I was told that santa or the easter bunny would deliver them on christmas or easter (whatever the ocassion) :stuck_out_tongue: hahaha…

Merry Christmas everyone

Ahmed, you take EVERYTHING too seriously. “Frankie says relax”.
I’m leaving it at that becuase I dont want to start a reglious bs argument.

This isn’t a thread for religious discussion, that can lead to a lot of arguing.

Again, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who celebrate other occasions!

checkin in from Florida, merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and…Happy Holidays…!

Party responsibly, & stay safe hope ya’ll have a good one!

Zomg, can’t wait for later, all the food and liquor… and gifts (yea, im still a kid :D)


merry christmas and happy holidays everyone!!! i hope everyone had as much fun as i had. :smiley: god i love driving on roundabouts. i was going around the one near my aunts place for almost 1 whole minute without straighting out.

Oh man, I ate to much…

have a good one!

have a good christmas

That’s the nicest thing I’ve ever seen you type. hahaha

Cheers to a good year everyone!


marry x guys, and have a happy 09

merry christmas eat till u sleep

ok well… my 12 days of christmas thread got moved… and since not EVERYONE is a paid member i’d still like to share this with you all. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! enjoy…



merry christmas to all, did anyone get car stuff from ther parents lol? post pics

Merry Christmas SON!!!