Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holdiays to everyone out there!

Happy Santa’s Birthday!

Your joking right? :? Anyway yes Merry what not to all of yeah… Give me presents. Timbits are acceptable. :E :E or a large double double.

Your joking right? :?[/quote]

Of course.

I too was trying out ths x-mas humor thing. :partyman: It hurts and don’t think I will do it next year… Bring on Festivus. :E

Merry Ho Ho… Thankfully im not Bitter about Xmas anymore because I’m no longer spending all day alone tomorrow… :E

What so that means no more cheetos for christmas supper for ya?

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years! :partyman:

Your joking right? :? Anyway yes Merry what not to all of yeah… Give me presents. Timbits are acceptable. :E :E or a large double double.[/quote]
MmMMMmMm Tim Hortons!! I’m having coffee withdrawls!! I missed the damn Timmy’s by 20 mins yesterday to get my last cup till boxing day :frowning:

Merry Christmas to everyone!!

I hope everyone’s Christmas is better than Batmans.