
lol kicked the shit out of that dude he fought.

KO 1st round, also tommy morrison returned and won.

he should have fought him with the Jerzey on.

Yea tough fight…against a 40yr old nobody…


They let Baby Joe fight? I thought he had too many concussions?

it was on VS tonight

somewhere in WV

KO in 1:55 lol, that guy shoulda stayed down after the first barrage of punches…lol


They let Baby Joe fight? I thought he had too many concussions?


When we got him wasted at The Ale House… He said it was a wait period and money thing…


i’m his first cousin, on the fight crew and shit…good fight tonight but we all expected that.

look at prob 2 more tune up fights then a decent one, either in WNY or if they give him a hard time about an NY license then in niagara falls. over a 2 year layoff while getting tanked every weekend macking it and not working out is not good for the old boxing physique.

Doesn’t tommy morrison have teh HIV?


Doesn’t tommy morrison have teh HIV?


i didnt see him glowing


mesi is garbage. the second he tries to fight anyone worthwhile, he’s getting his teeth kicked in. plus i’ve personally heard and seen him be a complete asshole to people out for no reason.

fucking idiot.


mesi is garbage. the second he tries to fight anyone worthwhile, he’s getting his teeth kicked in. plus i’ve personally heard and seen him be a complete asshole to people out for no reason.

fucking idiot.


Jesus christ thank you. finally someone else who has seen this dumbass be a complete dick. Another board i’m on treat him like god. He’s nothing. Fight a real competitor


mesi is garbage. the second he tries to fight anyone worthwhile, he’s getting his teeth kicked in. plus i’ve personally heard and seen him be a complete asshole to people out for no reason.

fucking idiot.


thats funny cause if im not mistaken hes undefeated.


thats funny cause if im not mistaken hes undefeated.


dont try to use logic with these types of people, for everyone who’s successful there are a lot more people that will try to undermine said success.

by the way, he ditched the grizzly adams beard 20 minutes after the fight. apparently the promoters wanted more of a “badass” image.

Until he knocks out someone decent (Rahman or Klitchko) than he’s just a local success story…Ive met him a few times downtown and he seems pretty down to earth to me.