metal storage cabinets

I know for a fact they never made one of those.

And this thread has all kinds of odd shit in it, gay shit, shade tree body shops, black Where’s Waldo and some PR’s in clown clothes but my cabinets are still for sale.

hahahahahahaha… yesssss

i’ll take all 3 Paul u want to drop them off or u want me to pick em up? i’ll be at the shop pretty late tonight stop by.


Ill throw them in my truck and drive over after dinner. I got home a little late today.

i’m home now . lol

Maybe tomorrow or Wednesday then. I didnt get home until after 6 tonight.

i’m on my way back now… lol

Call me. Ill PM my #

so ya would take a dick ?

Not while Im alive. Dead Id have no say in the matter.

Hank- I took a ride by your shop about 10 minutes ago but nobody was around. Was your second trip there that short?

yes. lol i’ll call ya tomorrow or u can call me.

Ok. Ive gotta put shocks on my brother’s truck when he gets out of work but maybe before or after that is good.


Hank- call me about these.

lets just set a time and meet at the shop.

Yeah, thats what Id like to do. I should be home around 4 tomorrow afternoon.
I ended up getting home late last night.

I left you a voicemail a little while ago.


to who