MI3? (trailer)

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Mission Impossible 3… worthy trilogy?

I think not…


Even thought Cruise is fucking wacko, I’ll see this movie.

he’s hitting katie holmes :gotme:

Yeah and he’s a crazy about scientology.

I know you’ve heard his ramblings about how you don’t need drugs for depression and how exercise and meditation is supposed to cure everything in your life. He proclaims to be an expert on psychology and says that its a sham.

The only thing he is an expert on is being a homo little fidget who only dates girls so they can be his beards.

Katie Holmes sucks anyway. Cruise can have herpes face forever for all I care.

You didnt see Vanilla Sky?


Yea, good point about holmes…

Vanilla Sky? Ugh talk about a pile of shit.

Now You’re just trying to start shit :lol:

Hey if you liked it then great. I thought it was pretty stupid.

I really don’t like Tom Cruise all that much. I like the Mission Impossibles, Last Samauri (sp?) was decent. Born of the 4th of July was really good. Other than that, I can’t think of much else I liked of his. Top Gun is just corny now. Cocktail…blah. Rainman was good, but I like Dustin Hoffman. Minority Report was kinda cool. Days of Thunder doesn’t hold up nowadays, Jerry McGuire was good, but everyone loved that movie. Collateral was sweet.

Hmm maybe I do like his movies. I just don’t like him.

Almost all of Tom Cruises movies were good. He may have embarassed himself a bit on tv but who gives a fuck. He was having fun. Last time I checked that is allowed. SOme people like to pass out in a pile of their own puke and then say that they had fun… he did some drugs and jumped up and down on a sofa at opras studio in front of a camera… big fucking deal.

He is with Katie Holmes… I say good for you… If I was in his shoes I would do the same thing.

I REALLY hate it when people trash others for no fucking reason except that they are jealous little faggots themselves.

This is not directed at anyone but just a general statement. If you dont like em then ok. There is a actor or 2 I dont like for no particular reason. They just rub me the wrong way.

Anyway dont trash good work for the wrong reasons.

so, how bout that MI3 trailor?

Yeah…how bout…that…Anywho a buddy of mine who moved to cali worked on the set has a bunch of pics with him and the bad guy in this movie, ving rhames and what appears to be tom cruise but i think it is his stunt double, you guys tell me.



That was evil. Im gonna tell luke and hes gonna send al pachino after you.

sweet! thanks!

Meh, I’m going to see this movie on the big screen

What the fuck are you talking about??
Most of his movies I don’t mind. But he’s a douche. Listen to any recent interview with him.

And as far as Katie Holmes, BFD. Shes not that great. I’ve never liked her.