Review :Mission Impossible 3 ///

This movie is good,better then I expected.Had a few suprises,a hot chick,a nice lambo.Lots and Lots of action,seems like it doesn’t stop.I dont want to spoil it by going into detail.

I think its better than the first & second.

**** out of *****

hehe, waiting for this to pop up. very enjoyable. realistic? hail nah. fun as fuck? you betcha.

hot chick = :tup:
simon pegg = :tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup:
turning mission impossible into a love story = :gay:

you know that happy go lucky homo tom cruise made them throw that all in there too…b/c that shits just not M:I stylez…

:stuck_out_tongue: tom cruise is too fruity

actually… anyone, by any chance, see the MTV MI:3 special? where that dude that tom cruise was riding with dumped his bike on a turn? :lol: (forgot the dudes name)

There was NO action in the movie at all.

come on…the building to building jump was friggin sweet…

ill wait for the DVD on this one…I enjoyed the first one…2 sucked…this one seem more like Charlies Angles 2 which the only pluses were the Enzo and the broads

I give it 1.75 thumbs up.