Michael jackson dead

Rest In Pedophelia, you crazy fuck.

Reports are coming through that michael jackson has stated in his will that he is to be melted down and made into toys so that kids can still play with him.

Did you hear? The Jackson 5 reunion is offering 20% off now.

Little boys jerked off to farrah fawcette.
Michael jerked off to little boys

What’s the difference between farrah fawcette and Michael Jackson ?

  • 6 Hours

Will his organs continue to be donated to children?

Due to his unfortunate death. Michael Jackson’s dates have been canceled. They were Thomas aged 6 and Kevin aged 9

Micheal is the only person I know who was born a black man and died a white woman

I dont feel any emotion for MJ death… he never really touched me when I was younger…

What starts with a n and ends with a r that you never want to call a black man like Michael Jackson? “neighbor”

Why did Michael Jackson die on the same day as Farrah Fawcett?
He didn’t want her to be the only white woman grabbing all the headlines.

When Farrah Fawcett died, God said that he would grant her one wish. Her wish was safety to all the children on earth… Thus, the end of a pop star…

McDonald’s are commemorating Michael Jackson with the McJacko, a piece of 50 year old albino meat between two 8 year old buns

Michael jackson gets to the gates of heaven and god says to him, I can not decide if you are black or white so just beat it

Toxicology report is out. It seems Michael Jackson died from an allergic reaction after eating some 12 year old nuts.

Did you hear who the Paul Bearer at MJ’s wedding is going to be? Chris Hanson, “Why don’t we bury you right over there”

Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds? Because there are twenty of them.

Michael Jackson died and went to heaven, St. Peter says, “you know Michael , we really can’t let you in here, you did a lot of bad things down on earth. Michael pleads with St. Peter to let him in and states that he’ll do anything to get in, not wanting to go to hell and all. St. Peter agrees to ask God if there is anything they can do, God tells St. Peter he’ll let Michael into heaven on one condition, he’ll have to fight someone and if he wins they’ll admit him. Michael agrees seeing its his only option. The pearly gates open and and Elvis walks out shouting, “where is that weird son of a b!tch that married my daughter”

Why did Michael Jackson die at 3:15? "It’s when the big hand touches the little hand

When Farrah arrived at the pearly gates God granted her 1 wish. Farra thought for a minute and said “I wish for the children to be safe”. God paused, smiled and then told her… "The children are safe… i just killed Michael Jackson

wow seriously someones going to delete my post saying rip with a video? god thats lame


Some of those are just wrong. Funny, but wrong.

I wasn’t a fan, but he was very talented. It was a shame to see what he became over the last 20 years.


What are you talking about? There are zero deleted posts in this thread. Are you sure it went through?

Michael Jackson dead at 50. In accordance to his will, little boys’ pants shall be flown at half-mast

LOL @ Michael Jackson being dead.

fuck that pedofile POS. his music sucked and so did everything about him.

Exactly. Let’s all pretend he wasn’t a child rapist now that he’s dead.

shaggy :bigthumb:



What do MJ and caviar have in common?

The both come on little crackers.

why does MJ like 27 year olds?

there are 20 of them.

Q: Why did Michael Jackson place a phone call to Boyz-2-Men??
A: He thought it was a delivery service.

Q: How do you know when it’s bedtime at the Jackson residence?
A: When the big hand touches the little hand…

Q. What has 18 balls and 3 pubic hairs?
A. A Michael Jackson slumber party.

Q. What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
A. One is white, made out of plastic, and dangerous for kids to play with and the other you carry your groceries in.

Walmart is honoring Michael Jacksons death! All kids pant are half off!

Jockeys are tomorrow’s Punchestown race meeting will be wearing armbands in memory of the recently deceased Prince of Pop, who rode more 3 yr olds than anyone in history.

I heard MJ wanted to go to Children’s Hospital

HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA thats a good one!!!

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzdXcTIBDW0”]YouTube - Katt Williams on Michael Jackson[/ame]

due to the fact that Micheal Jackson is 99% plastic, he will be melted down into Lego blocks so little kids can play with him for a change

in honor of his passing, JcPenny has all children boys paints half off!!!