Micheal Jackson autopsy results

he died of food poisoning, from eating a 12yr old wiener

Farmer FTMFW

and that’s been documented correct?




Actual funeral footage


^^^^^^^^^^ hahahahahahaha now thats fucking funny!!!

LOL at the moonwalk


I didn’t get the gif until after 2 min, i was expecting something else.

I was wondering, why the fuck are they walking backwards LOL

lmao i didnt get it too… i was like wtf

In accordance with Michael Jackson’s will, little boys’ pants shall be flown at half-mast today.


^^ You are on the ball farmer!

I hear that since Michael Jackson was 90% plastic, that there just gonna melt him down into Lego blocks. So now little boys with have a chance to play with him for a change!

And as a tribute to Micheal Jackson Walmart will be having a sale on boys underwear, they will be half off!!!