MJ Autopsy

Aparently Micheal Jackson did not die from cardiac arrest. The autopsy showed that he died from food poisioning. He ate 12 year old nuts. :lol

wow. i got this in a text about ~13 seconds after he died.

way to go

Well i got a kick out of it. Im sorry im not up on the MJ jokes

yeah, i think i’ve seen this “joke” probabllyyyyyyyy over 25 times now

along with the 7 year old wieners, and “kids can go out and play safely now”, and whatever other lame MJ joke there has been since he died.

ya there was 0498u230984203498 of them made the second he died.

the whole MJ thing got so old. QUICK.

hes dead and i want him dead… if that makes sence. in a way i never want to hear thiller on the radio 8 times in a row. or play billy jean and beat it on fucking 104.9 and 106.5.

might as well throw in the Lego joke too

MJ cd sales at walmart went up the day he died.

Rotterdam was sold out at 9pm. PATHETIC

welcome to my post in the MJ thread…

MJ is a legend.
Fuck off.

I have a MJ Mii on my Wii now… that sounds dirty

Id rather eat 12 year old nuts then tell 12 year old jokes. It wasnt even that funny the first time