Michael Jerkoffson dies. OMGWTFBBQ?!

By saying he makes more then someone is stupid. Thats like saying you feel bad for everyone millionaire/billionaire who dies. Ya know Saddam made a lot more money then you, were you upset when he died?

On to the second part of your post…remembering the good…thats fine and all, sooooo your saying who cares that he molested little boys, thats totally ok because he made good music? :retardclap

Thats like saying for example if (put name of famous person here) killed/raped your Mom, when he/she died it would be ok because they were famous? And I didn’t pick your mom to be an asshole I did it to prove a point, would you feel bad if you were the parent of one of the kids he molested? If you say yes then your just a fucking moron.