Michael Jerkoffson dies. OMGWTFBBQ?!

He healed the world, and made it a better place… for you and for me and the entire human race.

:rofl it is when its michael jackson haha

I dont think so.

lol no you didn’t!

Don’t get me wrong he had some good music and he did his thing, yea he is the king of pop, but…

I do/will not EVER feel bad or go into a state of sorrow for ANYONE famous who has passed away I don’t care who it is. If that person is not my family or friend then I will shed not one tear or feel the slightest bit of sadness. What makes me sick are all the people in the world who will end up going into a deep state of depression and/or commit suicide over someone that really don’t know or ever met, because i guarantee it will happen over MJ dying.

IMO he went from the “King” to a complete scumbag. Karma is a bitch. (and maybe I have some coming my way but thats fine bc I’m sure I deserve it)

My $0.02 :thumbup


make more money than you ever will, and was the king of pop…ya know, when someone dies people usually remember the good and happy things about that person. People need to grow up and accept the fact that he was the worlds greatest pop stars. I hope ppl talk shit about u when u die. assholes.

my $0.02

By saying he makes more then someone is stupid. Thats like saying you feel bad for everyone millionaire/billionaire who dies. Ya know Saddam made a lot more money then you, were you upset when he died?

On to the second part of your post…remembering the good…thats fine and all, sooooo your saying who cares that he molested little boys, thats totally ok because he made good music? :retardclap

Thats like saying for example if (put name of famous person here) killed/raped your Mom, when he/she died it would be ok because they were famous? And I didn’t pick your mom to be an asshole I did it to prove a point, would you feel bad if you were the parent of one of the kids he molested? If you say yes then your just a fucking moron.

Did you use assholes plural because PJB had a doctor surgically install a second asshole on him so he can be porked in the ass by a boy and a goat at the same time?

who cares one less pedo in the world besides the only good jackson is his sis janet thats one sista id hit in the shitter

So, if you could care less, why aren’t you caring less?!

at 5:58 eastern standard time, i was in line at pioneer in rotterdam. almost got to the window when someone on an iphone yells, “OMG!!! Micheal jackson is in a coma”. the people in the bank are like OMFG!!.. meanwhile im trying to get this dum hoe to deposit my money and shes yelling saying jesus like 20392032 times. so finally i yell over to the manager if i can get the F outta there by someone hitting the F8 key to print my recept. the manager then said hold on sir theres been a national crisis. …

O dear lord.

12 minutes later i leave. FML

Let’s ride the train, the train! Would you like to ride the train with me!

That’s ignorant, you’re being ignorant!

Epic episode :rofl

it was on comedy central On Demand for a while. they also took off the hippie episode :frowning:


Yes! One of my all time favorite episodes.

its sad yes, but anyone that doesnt know him personally that goes into a serious depression state or looses sleep over him has some serious serious problems.

like when my grandfather passed away a year and a half ago. I didnt sleep for a week straight. Why? because he was my best friend and I loved him. I still get very upset atleast once a day about it. It was sudden and wasnt expected.

with MJ, I care, but can care less since I personally dont know him.

I think its a bit over-hyped. There wasnt this much of a commotion when we took out Saddam. I personally didnt like him as a person, but some of his music was pretty good.

Everything is over-hyped with the media nowadays…

He’s still a fuckin creep. Theres a thing on channel 6 on him right now…so gay.
