Michael Jerkoffson dies. OMGWTFBBQ?!

omg just flipped the channel and first thing I see is little boys flying through the sky on boats. wtf

He lived “more” in those 50 years then then everybody who posted in this thread combined will live.

He had his own theme park, went through court not caring, had his name as a household name over the entire world, set records, lived the rich and lived the poor, had a great famous family and got to “play” with kids in the spare time.

Don’t bad mouth him, don’t feel bad for him.

In his honor


bit of a snap judgement…

vlad are you ok ??? were you touched ??? come on

I thought I explained myself pretty well.

What seems to be the problem?

it was a joke vlad relax buttercup

wellhe sold like 700-800 million in his life time and gave alot away to people in need

but i guess no one remembers that, the same forums where we blame obama for flying a plane around nyc

alot of you idiots are too young to realize what impact this dude had in this world

it depends on what u mean by a complete scumbag and how you came about that conclusion … probably some shit u dont know about first hand :retardclap

All the ‘good’ he ever did is negated by putting little boys penis’ in his mouth. Some things are forgiveable, but not shit like that.

Chris07SS hears a scribbling notebad, looks up, and notices PJB taking notes on the subject.

Michael Jackson didn’t die of a heart attack, he died of food poisoning from eating 12 year olds nuts

Great loss to the music world, RIP you pee pee toucher

Spelled backwards: BJP
Without the ending: BJ



I think the guy was nuts. What would possibly drive someone to change themselves physically the way he did? I mean, a boob job (not for him - just in general) or whatever…cool. But to change your skin and/or entire face? That’s retarded.

Guy was a whack job. People die everyday. It’s life. Move on.

I like/liked some of his music for parties ect, but the guy looks like a total freak. I don’t care what happened to him.

Mj died from eating 12 year old nuts

another uneducated comment…michael jackson had a skin disease where he had blotches of his skin that were losing pigment and turning white so rather than look like a damn cow with brown and white patches all over himself, he went thru a treatment which got rid of the rest of his skin pigment which was why he was so pale…please dont make ignorant comments without knowing whats going on thank you.

no im not butthurt over that topic, but i just personally know somebody with the same condition and they get shit about it all the time from idiots who have no idea whats going on

I’m sorry. Perhaps you can’t read. I believe I put in a ‘and/or’ because I was unsure of that claim (of skin disease or not) but as far as I know, he DID change his face (again, see ‘and/or’)? If either of those are true…that still makes him a whack job and nuts. Anyone who does something like that to themselves has issues.

Sorry for not following a celebrity’s life story and knowing the scientific name of the condition he has.

Michael Jackson: Born Black Man, Dies White Woman.

When Farrah Fawcett got to heaven, God granted her one wish. She wished for all the children of the world to be safe…

…so God killed Michael Jackson.

woohoo walmart has a jackson sale… boys pants half off…
i also heard because hes 90 percent plastic hes being melted down and their making legos so kids can finally play with him for a change

we’re gonna hear about this shit for the rest of the fucking year now… lol…every channel has something about it… fuck it im not having cable installed in the new place until next year… im not paying 150 a month for that shit… if all im gonna see is obama and fucking mj lol