Michael Jerkoffson dies. OMGWTFBBQ?!

PJB is pissed because he can no longer get any new tips from Jackson on how to pick up male CP

And now all the little boys in the world can finally go outside and play and not live in fear.

and now you are left

I’m going to go watch the “Jeffersons” South Park as little boys worldwide breathe a sigh of relief.

Edit: Dammit, Greg took my molestation joke.

:rofl sorry buddy!

Enough of this shit already. I dont know where you stupid fucks got the idea that I like touching little boys and men but I dont do that. Never have and never will. Enough.

Someone stop the PJB bandwagon so I can jump off

It doesn’t stop, we keep on rollin’…he might catch us

the past is what it is, what he did right or wrong, doesnt change he was the best selling entertainer in the world. period. someone dying, or being fatally ill is no reason to make jokes.


Too Soon?

Rockin’ the Thriller album tonight fo’ sho’


Waiting for Justin to chime in.

he was still the king of pop… that kinda sux


yea good for him

the guys a legend in the music industry but its just as well honestly

I could honestly care less. I care more about the dump my dog just took in the back yard

What has he done in the last 20 years besides turn white, molest chimps and little boys and somehow have white kids?

Seriously dude, get some anti depressants. You are the biggest downer and the most negative person I’ve never met.

Yay two Christmases!!!