Microsoft Excel Help with Text Formula


=IF(A2=“Davolio”,“OK”, “Not OK”)
this is a similar formula but i have a list of 30 items has to compare it to, and then return the part number that corresponds to the 30 items it has to compare it too.



=IF(A4>89,“A”,IF(A4>79,“B”, IF(A4>69,“C”,IF(A4>59,“D”,“F”))))
i found the formula let seee if it works.


you can’t next 30 items please don’t waste your time. Excell unfortunately has a formula limit… at least 2003 does… 2007 may not … I know 2003 had limits for cell amounts 2007 seriously didn’t seem like it did… so this may be true for the if statements to

I really don’t know what you are doing sooo making a forumula idk… more info… i could paste the formula for you