mike drunk

he has to be on of the funniest guys to drink with…

he messed his pumas and almost cried then hung out of our buddies truck door as were driving down 170st.

fucking funny

silvia_s13 Mike??

If thats who your talkin bout, I was a DD for him one night, and we made the mistake of stopping at Mickey D’s, he was throwing shit and yelling at the car ahead of us!! LOL

If thats not the right Mike, then Ummmmm sorry I shared that story bout ya in here buddy!! LOL

:oops: I’m guilty as charged :oops:

You 2 are both dead to me…

Is that when you got home Jamie 3:52am? because 7:20pm is when I got up 8)

Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud!

yeah thats when i got home…

had fun last night…does ur tummy hurt from the jd and tequila we drank last night mike…

Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud![/quote]


Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud![/quote]


I had a blast!!! Shots were flying everywhere!! I heard you lost your keys Jamie, Although i don’t remember looking for them…And Dru, you are soo funny :!:

he has to be on of the funniest guys to drink with…

he messed his pumas and almost cried then hung out of our buddies truck door as were driving down 170st.

fucking funny

silvia_s13 Mike??

If thats who your talkin bout, I was a DD for him one night, and we made the mistake of stopping at Mickey D’s, he was throwing shit and yelling at the car ahead of us!! LOL

If thats not the right Mike, then Ummmmm sorry I shared that story bout ya in here buddy!! LOL

:oops: I’m guilty as charged :oops:

You 2 are both dead to me…

Is that when you got home Jamie 3:52am? because 7:20pm is when I got up 8)

Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud!

yeah thats when i got home…

had fun last night…does ur tummy hurt from the jd and tequila we drank last night mike…

Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud![/quote]


Did you atleast leave him your phone number on his pillow when you left? Hopefully you didnt wake him when you crawled out of bed. :wink: :lol: lol just jokes bud![/quote]


I had a blast!!! Shots were flying everywhere!! I heard you lost your keys Jamie, Although i don’t remember looking for them…And Dru, you are soo funny :!: