MIKE'S ** 21st ** BDAY!!!

Jillians, TONIGHT 6/13 FRIDAY, 9:30 - 10:00pm. A bunch of us are already meeting up, figured i’d make a public invite… could be a good little get together. Gonna be downstairs feeding him shots till he feels like dancing. Then upstairs till he falls down and we carry him home. Everyone is welcome…

oh and if your interested in coming down and want to meet up, PM me for my phone number… so you can call when you get there.


Mike is a day short of being exactly six months younger than me! :tong

That’s it. You’re an old man now.


ill be down, happy birthday big brother

haha nice pic nicole, yeah… i figure the more people that show up the less drinks i have to buy him :nod

You can buy me drinks instead? ;D

ok, dont tell joe. :tong

Schaweet. :cool

happy b-day mike

i may show up all baller dresed :ninja

i would have shown up, but already had plans. i talked to dave a bit ago, and i woulda been hanging with him, but again, had plans already…

you two already know im there!!! be there in 20 in!

i dont know who Mike is.
but happy Birthday any way

Thanks guys, we had a great time downtown last night.

happy b-day dude, how was last night? haha

yeah hope you guys had fun, I’m sure you did

crazy, crazy! it was a good time even though i was the dd… it sucks being sober but somebody’s gotta do it! :giggedy

dedicated drinker FTW!

mike chase?