Mini Golf....who can get the lowest score?

now 23, this game is the shit

Godammit there goes my productivity for the day…

29 so far

I’m not sure what’s distracting me more. The golf game or Way2Slow’s sig…

since he put that sig up, i havent read a single post from him. well, i never did anyway, but now i at least stop for a minute or 10

I’m not even into boobs and I find myself staring at it.

haha my new best 22…i will get 20

what do your scores look like on each hole?

mine was like 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 (<----not actual numbers so dont bother counting them) and i thought that was fantastic. but i still ended up with a 29.

are you guys talking about miniputt 1 or miniputt 2?