Minneapolis to Pittsburgh

Well i left Minneapolis with my new truck.

As of now i am in a Days Inn in Madison Wisconson.

I’ve been running the truck on no boost, except when i put my foot in it, it jumps to 5psi, but mainly no boost. Its been getting around 22mpg.

The owner changed the oil, and had all the fluids flushed this morning before i took it.

So far no problems, except the damn fiberglass cowl hood shakes like a mother at 80mph.

Alot more driving tomorrow, before i’m back home.


thats hard core… remember jj’s number.

that is aewsome. hope to see it around. is that gonna be a DD this winter?

nice,have a good trip

road trips rule, good luck


thats so awesome… have fun with it!

Well 6am local time, and no this isnt a DD, its gonna sit in the garage all winter while i clean it up.

Getting ready to leave my hotel in Madison, i figure i have a good 7 hours before pittsburgh.


get a steel cowl hood for it,goodmark>*

good luck…

awesome bring her home safe.

after checkin it, its is a steel hood, its about a 2 inch cowl.

Well the truck is home, i just washed it, so it’ll sit for the winter. …Well, I might take it out for one of the late season cruises.


so what is your DD

you take it off any sweet jumps yet?

no i have a cutlass i use as my DD, the fiero, and now the syclone, just sit.

and no, there wont be any sweet jumps, the sticker in the cab, says “no intended for offroad use, could cause severe damage to drivetrain and suspension” and the sticker on the tailgate reads “This vehicle is not intended for towing/hauling, maximum weight limit 500lbs, could cause severe damage to drivetrain, and suspension”

:rofl: that’s funny that they spelled it out for ppl.

remember the board game “guess who”? the cards talked during the commercial and at the end they always had teh disclaimer “game cards do not actually talk”. :smiley:

i’ll ask since we’re wondering… any good restaurants to know about on teh trip?

i actually only stopped to fuel up, and when i stopped, i grabbed some chili cheese fries from a A&W in a reststop, and other than that, just pretzels and sierra mist.

heck with the cruises take it to the track.

Congrats on your new toy.

I saw a White/Gray Typhoon at a dealer on Rte 30 today…I thought about stopping & looking at it, but I’m thinkin’ fbody soon. WS6 formula convertible, maybe.

have fun!!!