Minor Project: TJ's '02 Z06

We didn’t actually get to the Pfadts, it was just one more thing that we decided not to wait on since we can do it while I’m out of country anyway. I have raced my buddy’s C5Z w/ Pfadts though and I really liked 'em, enough so that I’ll buy them. I’ve only driven (not raced) another C5 w/ stock Z springs and QA1s and I really didn’t think they held much advantage over my car w/ stock springs and '04Z shocks. I will say the most amazing car I’ve raced is another friend’s C5Z w/ double-adjustable Penskes. However, the owner has a lot of time and know-how into tuning them. For the average Joe I honestly think the Penskes are too much. If you don’t have the time, patience and skill to iterate on several spring/valving combos as well as tuning them in you’re better off w/ the simpler Pfadts. Just my $0.02 though.

As for the car, it started perfectly on the first try yesterday, and I got to take it home, what a birthday present! I have to say I was impressed that Nick (Newtech) had the tune so close just guessing for fire-up. He logged it upon fire-up, adjusted, logged, adjusted etc. We put probably 30 minutes on it like that, then did an oil change and took it over to the dyno. On the dyno we just did very light-throttle, low-rpm logging under load and adjusted the tune more. Now I just need to get miles on it then we can do the power tune… too bad we’re getting the worst rain today in recent memory!