Mixing Cereal

used to put corn pops on my peanut butter sandwhichs…mmmm

now i just like to eat most types of cheerios with or without fresh fruit, and golden grahams will always hold a special place in my heart

i NEVAR eat ceral, or breakfest

then again, my eating habbits are so screwed up right now.

cocoa puffs and/or cocoa pebbles are good on PB sandwiches too, especially if you like Reese’s PB cups.

mixing cereal?

i’ve never actually thought of doing that. hm, i just don’t see the appeal somehow.

EDIT: so fuck you

EDIT2: jeah

Cheerios and canned peaches together with milk is so amazing. Haven’t had that in awhile…

i get up too early for breakfast

Not really mixing cereals, but i just had BANANA NUT CHEERIOS and they were pretty good. I think they’re fairly new or something.


Also, i wanted to bump this because this post still makes me laugh.

Honey Nut Cheerios, and Lucky Charms

Peanut Butter Crunch, and anything really.

I have been on a shredded wheat thins kick

Love that shit

I like mixing grape nuts with yogurt…i’m not much of a cereal guy.


Peanut Butter and Captain Crunch sandwiches.

One sweet cereal plus one healthy one = win.

when i was real young i use to mix lucky charms and rice krispy treat cereal i miss that

always mix cereal towards the end of the boxes. cocoa puffs and honey nut cheerios is great. so is cocoa pebbles and frosted flakes or honey bunches of oats and cracklin oat bran.

Haven’t done it but i bet kaboom and fruity pebbles would be a killer combo too and anything with lucky charms is awsome lol.

speaking of which i need to go eat something and all this talk about cereal is giving me a taste for some right now.