Mixing Cereal

What Cereal do you mix?

I just made a Life + Honey Nut Chex + Total Corn Flakes combo with a little bit of Grape Nuts on top with skim milk.

grape nuts are really nasty how can u eat those

Be careful man…mixing can be deadly…you never knwo what kind of reaction the cereals will have when they bond with eachother. I mixed count chocula and boo-berry

bad idea

I had to get my stomach pumped


I just mix whatever is left at the bottom of several boxes. Cheerios, Honey Nut Cheerios, Basic 4, generic granola, Honey Bunches of Oats, Kix, Oatmeal Rasin Crisp. I think that was the most I have ever mixed. Just threw what little bits were left in the bowl and chowed down.

I always use crispy rice as filler…

no, not rice crispies… I’m not Bill Gates… crispy rice yo. Ghetto Crispies… along with Golden Nuggets… they are like Corn Pops… but like 143x cheaper

I’ve never mixed any cereal :shrug:

Cracklin Oat Bran + Honey Bunches of Oats

Golden Grahams + Oh’s

Frosted Flakes + Fruit Loops

the list goes on…

grape nuts rule. if i didnt hate milk and soy milk, id rock them daily.

I mixed regular cheerios and frosted flakes once. i was not pleased with the result. ever since then, I don’t leave a little bit left in the box. I’ll just have a big bowl to finish it off (or a normal size bowl, then pour in the little bit left when I’m halfway done eating it)

grape nuts can suck…the first time i had them i poured the amount i usually pour for any other cereal and i ended up with a 45 min breakfast cause thats alot of grape nuts to eat plus i didnt feel so hot afterwards

i also hate grape nuts

my most famous and often duplicated cereal mix:

cocoa pebbles + peanut butter capn crunch

ughhhhh i could go for some right now

i don’t mix cereal… :shrug:

not to get off topic, but for those looking to save a few bucks: Buy your cereal at Target. Capt crunch = $1.67, Coco Puffs = $2.30? or something, HUGE box of Corn Pops = $2.77. Compare those prices to the ones at Tops… :eek: I’ll never buy cereal at tops lol. I’m no baller.

Remaining off topic, since I don’t mix my cereals: Wegmans recently had Honey Bunches of Oats in the FAMILY size for 2 / $4.00. I stocked up. :slight_smile:



i mix bacon with my eggs

You guys are like the United Nations of cereal. Mine never mix. Maybe I should be more open-minded and not judge cereal based on color, shape, and taste. :shrug:

seperate but equal

George Bush hates Count Chocula.

didn’t think of this before…

I don’t eat a lot of sugary cereals anymore, but when I did, if 2 different cereals both had marshmallows, they’re fair game for mixing.