The Grape-Nuts Breakfast Cereal Thread

There are so many ways one can go about using this unique product which is all but useless without being combined with something, and it is winter after all. So why name a few uses in which you might use it for this relatively flexible cereal that is completely useless in plain form.

wtf? I remember my mom trying to feed me this when i was younger. It was like chewing on pieces of rocks

fruit and grape nuts…mmm

or make a parfait out of it and add yogurt…

x2, fuzzy this shit blows man

i like grapenuts and milk.

also great when heated.

I love plain handfull of grape nuts.

Grape nuts and… new teetch from chewing on that shit.

Fuzzy, now i understand why there’s no coffee left in the pot. Hmmm…

I want to see Alex watch you do that on camera and then call here asking what you’re all about

Best first post ever? :lol: :clap:

<3 sig lol

x3 terrible thread

shits for ladies

Unless its somehow on fire violently careening towards a bus full on children

some milk, a little sugar, microwave it. Mmmmm brings me back to my childhood! My mom used to tell me it would break my teeth unless I heated it up and let it get mushy

Honestly who tries to eat it plain, ewwwww. Could break your jaw or something.

Its like eating cardboard. Its best used for building material.

bump because I just had a bowl and these things fucking rock.

honorable mention: they work great as crunchies on salad. ok that is all.

Sounds like a condition you get when you juice too much.

-“Yea bro, this last cycle has given me sweet definition on my delts”
-“Careful brah, too much of that and you’ll get grape-nuts.”