"Monday Action" Vids

sean was with jason, and when you left the p&r is sounded really good. To be honest cruising at partial throttle i dont like how your car sounds but at WOT its sounds sickkkk

i knew it. it hooked pretty well though. but clearly the weakest link wouldnt survive

was sean taping??

yah, I was always happy with how it sounds at idol and WOT, but like you…I dont like how it sounds cruising. Im trying to fix that but I think my only cure will be true duals…not ready to dump 1k on a exhaust before I do head work.

Live at WOT, problem solved

Yeah the SS sounds real good at WOT, and when you let off on the race with Eric’s S2000, you blew a couple flames…looked sick.

From what I heard from otheres, my car was creating quite the fire show from the exhaust tip after my races :rofl

lol I pretty much do!

I beat the balls off my car last night. Pretty much used a full bottle.

nitrous decel.

and you had FIRE from your brakes too :lol

haha. I can hear it when it blow’s flames from the compression changes after letting off with the bottle…it makes a loud pop crackle sound.

:lol yeah I could see the sparks flying when I was on the brakes. the brakes are SHOT after last night. New plugs, rotors, & pads being bought today or tomorrow.

these were good races…vrt fuckin moves! too bad it broke :frowning:

K20: how often are you going through plugs?

Nice runs guys! Wish I could have made it out…

i used to change mine every 1000 miles. or when i was using lead. BKR7E.



Thermostat/Radiator Cap is shot
4th Syncro is on its way out . Hard to get it in gear at high rpms.

First set to go bad…its been about ~4000 miles. BKR7E

Roger that, I use the same.

Wish I went out but was at home with the wifey watching the NBA finals


Where Roger at?

heres the results of last nights activities.


whats left of my 3rd gear


sums it up
