"Monday Action" Vids


fun night, lot of good runs, i mostly saw the s2k (me as passenger) vrs Joey like 7 times lol. Joey car running better now? start changing them like every 2k or so. Eric your car moves out real nice wish you had some new plugs in as well that night

ps nice to see no bull shit/pr’s


Imagine that, hang out somewhere other than the lot like I’ve suggested…

I like Joey v Cody…that car you guys passed was like a blur :rofl

Cody? that was Jason

I feel like I heard Code Blue called Cody at some point…thanks for the correction.

'twas prolly pete, making up nicknames/words as usual :lol

Pete’s nickname is Tial Q from now on

Weve been doing that for some time. Meeting up at other locations has been the norm for awhile on week days. The only problems we have with PRs is on fri/sat nights. You can sit at the lot from 6pm-2am on a thurs and have no issues at all.

I have been in it with the bottle alot faster. And it sounds so sick.

chads gti and barneys evo are rnning nice

yeah red rubin was running well

and yours is captain annoying.

wow that hurt, and your not annoying?? should listen to what pple think of you there buddy, how about you keep your comments about me to your self, if i was so “annoying” then y did some of the guys text/call me to tell me to come out this night? actually dont answer that i dont really care

now now boys

oh ill answer it. because i dont call, or text you. ever. id love for people to tell me how they really feel, its all good. because i have the testicular fortitude to actually say it and not hide.

I would like to fight both of you end of story.

easy there lil guido

big pete will step on your ass haha

Stick and move.