Monday Night Bills Game ....who's going?

Curious who’s going to be at the game for tailgating tomorrow?


I’m debating about taking the Shark Energy Promotional RV there to tailgate with… If i can get a good tailgating group, i’ll take it for sure. Anybody?

ill be there

i have fuckin class til 7pm at nu :frowning: wont be home til like 8ish


In. got my free tickets today :slight_smile:

boy its gonna be fuggin cold lol

I’ll be there.

there - but no one will see me.

we are supposed to go out for tailgating, but I have been really sick for the past 48hrs. so I don’t know if I will be braving the weather.

Guys make sure you cheer extra loud. I want to hear on my TV that it’s just as loud as last year during the Dallas MNF game. Except this time please make the Bills win. Thank you.

go browns!

ill be there

i thought about trying to get tickets, but i doubt i will.

have fun though!

my friend has two tickets for sale if anyone is interested. $65 USD each.

got my free tickets friday :slight_smile:

Can’t wait!

ill be there… back of tailgaters… and drive 5 !!!

call me brotha

i will be there lot 2 for tailgating and section 141 row 28 for the game… jello shots were just made and ready to go… all 100 of them

IN…fieldhouse lot. Do you own Shark or something Lafengas?

13th row behind bills 50 yard line in Jp’s grandparents seats. Thanks JP!