Monster Trucks

Febuary 13, 14, 15th @ Mellon Arena

$10 to enter

anyone else going


i’ll probley be going to that and the freestyle

freestyle motocross or bicycles :confused: or both? :smiley:

i think im going but the motox is on feb 6th???


Going to monster trucks on 14th (Valentine’s day). Do I know how to treat my lady or what? :smiley:

Originally posted by Jeff95TA
Going to monster trucks on 14th (Valentine’s day). Do I know how to treat my lady or what? :smiley:

i hope your joking :smiley:

even i’m not that low :tounge:

yea you are, i think she digs that

Originally posted by Quik
yea you are, i think she digs that


but, i have to hear her complain why she isn’t aloud to drive the monster trucks!:bash:

shaggy, pm me when you are goin… ill check my hockey and maybe me and Lory will go with you

Originally posted by BlkP42E
shaggy, pm me when you are goin… ill check my hockey and maybe me and Lory will go with you

you sure you’re gonna be able to get out of the dorm…:whipped:

i dont live in a dorm you retard…

plus even if i was whipped, how would it be a problem getting out?? hence i said ME AND LORY will go

Originally posted by BlkP42E
i dont live in a dorm you retard…

plus even if i was whipped, how would it be a problem getting out?? hence i said ME AND LORY will go
:rofl: :owned: mmmmm i may go!???:dunno:

Originally posted by Shaggy
i hope your joking :smiley:

even i’m not that low :tounge:
We really are going that day, and it was HER idea. It’s a birthday gift from my f-in-law for our older daughter, and my life is scheduled around basketball practices!

Originally posted by Shaggy
i hope your joking :smiley:

even i’m not that low :tounge:

hahaha i have a hockey game on valentines day… lory’s gonna have to sit in a cold ice rink and watch me play…

how romantic

i want to go on friday the 13th :scary: :smiley:

the g-body crew should be going on the 14th. I haven’t missed a monster jam since i was 6.

wonder if i can get in if i buy the cheeper kids seats :cool:

im going to a wedding in philthydelphia the 15th. so it looks like 13 or 14th for me :smiley:


maybe get a sign in going :frowning:

I’d like to go