
This site is pretty sweet. You get start off with a penny and have to work your way up. You can cash out at anytime also. A couple people from have cashed out $50 and $100 without a problem. The only problem is you can’t just sign up but I have 4 invites for anyone that wants to use them.

but you have 50 posts… jan 2006… why?


but you have 50 posts… jan 2006… why?


I lurk a lot, I show up to some meets every once in awhile. I also went to high school with psp.

i just mean it seems like a scam.

i expected 0 posts and join date of june 2007

i have a moola account. im gonna play for a little bit


i just mean it seems like a scam.

i expected 0 posts and join date of june 2007


lol no scam, has a shit load of threads about it. A couple of guys have cashed out money from there.

do you get money when we sign up or something? what’s the deal? how does it work?

newman, its legit. i have an account from a while back. its fun, but its hard to win money. they are not skill games, they are more chance then anything.


do you get money when we sign up or something? what’s the deal? how does it work?


you always have or get 1 penny. You then play heads up against another person. You basically try to double your money each time, but you can play lower stake games to keep your bank roll.

Scam. I spent hours on this like a month ago on this. It doesn’t work. you need to win ten games in a row to actually make 10 bucks.

its not a scam because they give you the fucking penny to being playin with :picard:

its actually really smart.

theres a bunch of different flash games. you play a few games and win, your penny turns into 2 cents. win again it turns into 4 cents, etc etc etc.

before every game you watch a short ad, thats where these guys are getting their revenue from and thats why they give you a penny to start playing. i bet theyre making a killing on how many ads people are watching before their games just so they can keep trying to double their money

its a good time waster if youve got shit else to do :gotme:

im up to 8 cents :hero:

someone get some more invites, pm me when you do plzz

ive got an account, its a pain in the ass to win money

OfficerK on there as well…

i wanna play someone send me an invite. i’m so bored at work.