Moon cricket

how ironic that you came in here to denounce this thread for its racism and managed to make yourself sound racist at the same time.

How’d I manage that?
Do tell!

i guess the tone that i read it in initially made it sound like that. it sounded like you were saying “yeah, sure most black people suck, but not ALL of them. and i know some of them who don’t suck, even though they look like to ones who do suck.”

that’s just how it came across to me. you see how it might sound like that?

Oh yeah definitely! Sorry if I came off like an ass in my response, I was just confused. I think they deserve the same respect as any white person does. What makes them different? Skin tone? Seriously? Can I really belittle someone for having a darker skin color?

I just think it’s super fucked up. I may come off semi-racist in person but I really do think it’s fucked up that people do this.

If you make ANY sort of judgment on a person due to their race, you are committing racism.

Lets be real.

This is gonna turn into a shit storm REAL fast.

If you’re an over sensitive nanny-boy.

The term ‘racism’ was born from a hatred of a particular race, not so much just by discriminating. If I’m uncomfortable walking down a street in Buffalo at midnight because I’m about to approach 2 blacks guys walking towards me, staring me down, that doesn’t make me racist, that makes me aware of a possible sketchy situation.

Remember, a lot of black people aren’t the biggest fans of whites. “Racism” goes both ways, you know.

And goddamnit, another thread about racism?

YES! Thank you. This is pretty much what I think but don’t know how to say.

this thread makes me laugh… :slight_smile:

It’s not being over sensitive. Discrimination or prejudice based on race is racism. I think people should grow up and realize that.

I realize that…

LOL honestly picking on someone for race is the same as picking on someone for being poor, or ugly.
Which is 98% of this forum, so really who gives 2 shits?

Im not making any assertions regarding peoples’ attitudes on the board. I really don’t care what people think.

I will admit I go through almost everyday of my life making prejudgements about people based on appearances. I believe I have learned to suppress any anti-social or socially unacceptable behavior as a result of prejudices. It is just ridiculous for anyone to say they are not racist. Everybody is racist, unless you are deaf, dumb and blind.

I’m only racist towards certain people…


and they’re mostly my fav people that come in to my work in lackawanna and live up to their stereotype.

Think lackawanna 6 :wink:

i’m so far beyond creeped out by the ladies that come into my work showing nothing but the slit for their eyes, all covered in black.
i call them ninjas :smiley:

meh, this thread was started just because when I heard “moon cricket” even though I found out how bad of a slur it is, I LOLED when I heard someone use the word.
I’m just going to step aside and let this thread blow up though.

Everyone has heard all kinds of racial slurs in the past, its nothing new.

Just keep it to yourself and in the privacy of your friends rather than coming on a public board and proclaiming just how fucking stupid you are. Countless times again and again you prove how much of a waste of a bad decision you were. God you should have been aborted.

Words like viiiiolence
break the siiiilence