More and more, I've been seeing these

Little silhouettes of flies in urinals.

Fucking lol

lol. A target.

If I ever open a bar there will be flowmeters in the urinals. Little water wheels you piss on and it drives a display at eye level on the wall in front of you. Compete with your buddies. Try to break the high score. Competitive guys will drink more to try to beat each other. Nobody will miss because it will cost them points. Free drink if you can make it past an arbitrary point.


ice in the urinals was always great too… you tried to melt as much as you could. guys really never do grow up so you have the entertain us

I don’t think I’ve seen that since the trough at BJ’s in Fredonia. I think it was BJ’s. I dunno.

step it up with having the free beer dispenser at the urinal… give them an incentive they can see!

edit: or make it like the balloon thing at fairs, except the losers explodes and they get doused in piss.

ive seen the baloon thing at the fairs via the interet… the baloons didnt pop though, it was the racehorse game thing

The fly has been around for some time. Apparently it keeps the bathroom cleaner because guys have a target to aim for.


So tempted to order a set for work

third base on Main.

Not sure that I’ve ever been there. I managed to spend 4 years at UB and successfully avoid Main St.

I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing

What is the logic in that? I have always laughed at bars that are filled with ice and curious what the point of it was other than entertainment.

You would have to throw engineers out though.

It’s too easy to cheat the system.

Also, if it’s a paddle wheel style device, You will be making a mess as urine will be flung off the opposite edge of contact