Mortgage Peeps : Refi soon?

I’m at 6.15%

I think I’m going to wait - things will dip into the low 4%. I’ve only made 4 payments on my mortgage lol

What is running through your heads?

No interest.


What are the fees going to be on a refinance? I’m planning on selling my house within a year or two so it might not be worth it to me. I’m at 6.8%…

Its worth it on most refis to just roll the costs into APR. I will be refi-ing soon as well. As soon as these rumored 4.X% rates show up.

yea, definitely. now, what i am wondering is if you go back through the same institution you got your original loan from, are they making enough money on the refi costs for them to give you straight answers on refinancing? or will it be more lucrative to go to a new bank?

I locked in with my no pmi loan at 30 years @ 5.75 4-5 months ago… its now down to 5%

The refi rate is down to 4.5 which would save me 145 bux a month approx, but i dont know if that would kill my no PMI portion… but its tempting… points/closing costs would be ~ 5k out of pocket which would take me 3 years to recoup in savings… and i dont really see myself in that house for much longer then 8-10

how many threads do we need on this?

Probably at least 20…

if you’re going to pay points then it’s not really apples to apples. Kind of like how you didn’t really find a way around PMI, they rolled it in over the entire length of the mortgage via a higher rate. I’m paying PMI but have a lower rate and purchased around the same time as you.

If you don’t have ~20% equity in the place you’ll probably need PMI or will pay slightly more again.

how long do you plan on living in your home though? refi costs 2-3k in closing etc

so 134 if you plan to leave in 3-4 years :tif:

paying points is for suckers… poor suckers

I’m curious to hear if anyone knows this too.
We just refinanced 4-5 months ago at 6.25, and would it be to our benefit to do it again?

5.5% here, 30 year fixed…

I’ll stick with that.

I’m at 6.5% 30 yr and only made 2 payments so far, so I am guessing that if I can get something around 4.5% or better, it might be worth while.

I just locked in at 5.074 last week at my bank because currently we’re at 7.65%. Unfortunatly the way I have to do it I need to pay closing costs again but it’ll still work in our favor in the long run.

If you are going to be selling the house in a year, it will not be worth you re-financing.

Go though a mortgage broker, thats what I did. My first loan was with Suntrust Mortgage, then it was re-fied to HSBC. When I went from Suntrust to HSBC I knocked off 10 years and only added $100~ per month to the payment. He sent me a notice saying that it might be worth me re-financing again and going from 5.6125% to something in the 4’s. I’d love to stay at a 20 year but knock some $ off the monthly payment.

^^if you don’t mind me asking, who was your LO thru HSBC?

or did it actually go thru the Broker channel?

i’m already thru HSBC now and want to keep it that way because i can just transfer funds easily… still waiting to hear back from my guy though :frowning:

I waiting a bit to see what happens… I don’t think they’re going up anytime soon.

in my case I might use my $7500 from that crazy homebuyer tax thing + cash to refi and remove PMI, but only if the numbers work.

can you show me where the refi rate is down to 4.5%???