Moscow car accidents from traffic cameras.

I think that beats the hell out the Chinese one :wow

I still dont get why the fuck people feel the need to lay on the horn seconds prior to impact? Do they actually think they will some how, magically not crash by doing so? Or do they like the feeling of a shattered wrist or arm when the air bag blow their hand into their face?

talk about face palm. hahaha.

im pretty sure all the audio was inserted into the video, hence it all sounding exactly the same


And the one where the guy is turning towards the top of the screen, gets rear ended, does a 180 and then bumps the guy that hit him. :rofl

Or the guy that gets hit and keeps running. :rofl

Yeah it’s just an over lay of sound effects.

Second clip, I have no idea what the guy was trying to do, cross a 6 lane + highway casually walking without even looking at the traffic?

Scary part is, most of those cars don’t even have airbags and the safety of the frame is similar to the original beetle.

Yeah, Volga’s, Lada’s, Zhiguli aren’t exactly safe. I got into a Zhigul taxi when in Ukraine last year and it was probably like a 2000 model. Closed the door and literally though I broke a hinge. Our home-made, non-imported, car are TERRIBLE. They would not be allowed on the roads here.

DAMN, stuff in nucking futs over there!

Sound effects sound like there from the first Grand Theft Auto game.

Some of those were bad!

Non driving bastards…most of those were easily avoidable. I remember when I was stationed in Okinawa they told us if we ever got into a wreck that it was our fault no matter what happened because as Americans we’re considered more experienced drivers. Hence why I only drove a few times while I was out there.