How pissed would you be if....

…Your driving your brand new (less than 100 miles) Subaru Impreza, which you’ve had for a little over a week, under a viaduct (sp), when suddenly you hear pings of what sounds like stones hitting the side of your car…

Shortly after, you stop and take a look, and find out some fuckface punk ass motherfucker shot the car up with a high powered pelet gun, litterally popping a few “holes” in the side of the car!

This happened to my mother earlier today. I dont know wtf pisses me off more…the damage to her newly leased car, or the fact that if it was stong enough to penetrate the door skins, what could it have done if it went through the window and hit her? She could have been seriously hurt or worse, been in a wreck because of it.

This happened on austin street near tonawanda street in black rock this morning. She filed a police report but is basically fucked on the bill to fix it.
My advice…use caution when going under train overpasses in the b-lo…and if you hear something hit your car, please do not hesitate to stop the car, get out and chase the little pricks down. then show them what its like to have something they love damaged, by ripping there dicks off.

end rant/

Fuck people…

Subarus don’t loose control!

Silly rabbit.

Simmetical all veel dive says Dr. Z.

Fucking gay, had that happen to me too, was just an airsoft gun, but i heard the plinks, stopped, and pulled out my highpowered AEG and sprayed the shit outta them.

doushebags should die

the subaru might not lose control, but my 59 yr old mom could have.
there were 5 shots total…4 went right through the door skins…one stuck in the skin…

That fucking blows.

My wife and I drive by there everyday…
Fucking cocksuCkers.:shoot:

man that really sucks :tdown:

Thats shocking that it went through the door. Shitty that it even happened. Hope the fuckers get shot.

Thats what i said…and they had to be a good distance away too…

damn man, teeee fucking down!

I travel through there for work sometimes…if I hear that hit my truck…I would be finally taking that SUV offroad and running some people over…and then when I caught them I would beat them to death with the tools I carry and cover them in roofing tar…yea thats what I would do.

Fucking prick bastards…I talk about this constantly the youth of tomorrow has NO respect for ANYTHING.

you seriously just make shit up as you go along dont you??

Leave the kid alone. lmao…lmao…lmao… I so wanted to say something too, but decided not to. lol…:rofl:

Fucking gay, had that happen to me too, was just an airsoft gun, but i heard the plinks, stopped, and pulled out my highpowered AEG and sprayed the shit outta them.

ediT: ^^^lmao^^^

only cuz you knew someone else would. :biglaugh:

what time did this happen?

it was sometime this morning between 11am and 12 noon…she called me at 12:30 and said she just got off the phone with the cops…so thats when im guessing it occured.

things like this, and hearing about eric in the black Z almost being ripped from his car by some guy trying to steal it…are why i will from now on have a sawed in half bat behind my passenger seat from now on…

thats bullshit, makes my ass tighter just thinking about it…sorry to hear man

assholes. I hope they do that to the wrong person and get shot.

::Filling out pistol permit app as we speak:: :tspry:

I’m sorry officer, when i saw those pellets go through the car i felt threatened, and neutralized the threat with my .44 magnum :slight_smile: