most awsome cartoon

ok ive watched this since i was a kid love them hahah i got all episodes over 240

best 2 episodes they in japanese with spanish but they sick!!

lmao… i knew you woudl post these sooner or later…

lol man either its horrible dialog or just tthe translation … wel it is anime so its probably both :smiley:

lmao are you hating??? is so zep will throw a fit :C

im no hater . are u :S ?

lmao everyone hates… but anyways back on topic… this anime is very old school before DBZ… but DBZ still rox my sox box.

lol … yeah i always leaned more towards DB it was less repetitive the DBZ … but vegita is the shit still.

nah ur crazy the quality ones i got look awsome… they just on youtube lol… all video is poor quality. this is 1000 time better than DB

^haha his sig is really big…

but meh watched 20seconds of the first vid and stoped it… maybe ill try and watch it again later.