Wowzerz you’ll have to see this. Some funny stuff…
this guy has like no joints/bones he is soo freaking flexible holy siht
lol some of it is fake but some of it isnt… thats wild huh…?
hahaha its funny how they leave him.
LMAO i know i still dont know whats that crap they put on him though…
its something sticky… didnt they poor a bunch of crap on him before that.
dont think so but they tired to tie him up. lol that was funny…
with 3:20 seconds left the dump some gross looking siht on him
but you’ve got to admit you got owned!!!
lol funny…but as soon as i hear cracking i had to stop the vid
whaT!!! watch it is crazy… just put music on and dont listen to the vid just watch it.
lmao shorteaz watch it the cracking isnt even real… you’re missing out. you have to watch…
still the sound is so disgusting…i cant stand to hear bones cracking
Grrrr WATCH IT!!!
u caannnntt mmakkeee mmee!
if only… a certain car would start i would come make you…
lol welll u dunno where i live and…welll…it dont start…neeener neener boo boo
watch it and turn down the vol.
the dubbed over french actually makes it 100 times more enjoyable:p
holy shit that guy is flexible… haha