most boring day in the history of pittspeed



maybe its just cause i’m wired from 40 oz of DEW.

yeah it was bad… i had a bunch of shit to bitch about … but didn’t

also saw some shit over in mellon sq today… meant to post about it but didnt.

not feeling it today… fuck mondays.

its weird too cause today doesn’t feel like a monday because i worked saturday and sunday. its one of these 12 day in a row spurts i get during the season. I got a 19 straight day spurt comming up in june.

this past friday afternoon was awesome though

you’ll live.

i worked from home for about 3 hours yesterday and didn’t get paid dick… life sucks sometimes.

boooo. post tomorrow :x:

Yea i know… today has been quite boring… plus i found out today that i’m not allowed to work anymore! :frowning: my grant money has run up, and the university is, of course, too cheap to pay me… so screw em!

i know i’ll be fine, hey more days in a row, more cash in pocket. its just weird cause the days all become the same

i was fired today, i will have more time on pittspeed then

wheres the /jk?

today was pretty boring… but I’ve experienced boringer days.

Seriously? That sucks!

dang! :frowning:

April 1st was a few weeks ago :smiley:

(hope you really didn’t get fired)

i was joking… they could never fire me

whitey is untouchable

i drank 5 20oz Dew’s today :ugh2: i was almost foaming at the mouth

:bsflag: i used to drink 4 liters of that shit a day… was nothing