how about everybody and their mother has off today…WTF I work for a school and don’t have off…makes no sense!

insert box of kleenex

and a bottle of STFU

x2 :sadwavey:

Looks like lots of ebaying and photoshop and extended lunch hour for me1!!!11

I don’t have off either. But since everyone else does that means it’s an easy day for me!!!

No work for me today…I just got out of bed. (Usually I’m up at 5:00am)

I agree, it’s b/s. But we got to wear jeans, and it’s really slow, so I’m basically getting paid to be on Pittspeed. <-----No complaints here

not complaining…just weird that a school wouldn’t have off…

and STFU to all as well :mrT:

WVU has off, and my god did the town burn last night.

gotta go to work as well life sucks and then u die get over it

i worked today! worked for 2 hours and got paid for 5 :booty:

I didn’t have off, but we’re leaving at 2.

i would not call today so much work… more as a free day on the internet…

siike i have been catching up on a ton of work

that deff. is happening…beside the 2hr lunch…LOL

im off!