Most manly drink thread...

:tspry: to ignorant people who live in buffalo. let me know when you want to come play with the big men who live/work in real cities and party with c level executives/partners in global litigation firms/corporations.

:bloated: :lol:


Personally I like Jim Jones Koolaid. Very good and it sneaks up on you.

Crown and Coke are a standard.

Jagerbombs…many rounds of them in succession. To remind me why I don’t drink often.

Rare occasion i will drink beer. I’m not too much of a beer guy.

However, I go out to eat alot, and I always have a glass of Merlot with my meal…I try just about every different one I can. They are good.

Absinthe > *

for 6 bucks u can get any personal bottle of gin and for another 3 bucks u can get orange juice with pulp. chug that down and theres no telling what could happen. but u wont wanna eat cuz that pulp fills you up. gl hf

Chilly willy

You fags. Car bombs anyone? It’s fucking slimfast for men!

Any whiskey, scotch, bourbon, and knowing the difference.

Beer. Especially dark beer.

Shots of anything that doesn’t include a non-alcoholic ingredient.

Anything taken from the shot girl’s cleavage. Without using your hands.

I could go on.

Girly drinks on the other hand, I know nothing. My idea of a chick drink is Coors Lite.

My idea of a chick drink is cranberry vodka. And those sure are delicious.

Delicious chick drink: coconut rum and pineapple juice. Mmmm…

It’s all relative.

There’s this bitch that comes into my work and I affectionately call her “The Old Milwaukee Broad” after she leaves and takes her old tude with her. She always asks for Marb 100 Lights, too. Like she can’t walk her sweet ass up to the counter.

I know at least 4 people on here that will shank you…

JAGER, straight up.

i drink jager straight, i think were some of the only few that do so

I don’t get this at all. Go you? Should we say, “damn, you got us?”

I enjoy a good Martini too.
But, lol?

Man I guess I should start drinking your list before I move out of Buffalo. Thanks for the heads up!

And why is Absinthe greater than all drinks? Maybe back in the day, but not anymore.

I can’t wait to hear!

Virgin Shirley Temple can knock you on your ass…

im one of them

chocolate milk, shirly temple

have you ever had real absinthe? the shit at daily planet does not count as real.

killians irish red or sam adams, i like dark or red beers, gotta have flavor, no watered down coors or light beers

sam adams = 1 pound of hops

Yes, buddy of mine is in the reserves and went to germany for 4 months

came back with three bottles of absinthe and a few others of god knows what

as for why its manly?

Dunno, maybe its the appeal of something that could seriously fuck you up if you drink it like any other alcoholic drink? :gotme:

I guess that requires a lotus

uugghhck…light beers are good. the only dark beers that are good are honey brown, yingling(not that dark), XXX…thats about it. sam adams tastes like ass