Mother Nature... don't fuck with it

I guess this is almost two years old now, but I had never seen it before. A massive lightning storm during a volcanic eruption in Chile.

Absolutely incredible.

holy shit. new background.

i had that as my background at work for a while

my thoughts exactly.


i hate that because of taking classes in geology, my first reaction to seeing that picture is “well duh, the metallic debris would just agitate the clouds and act as a conductor”

^ my first reaction also, common sence though lmao


Nice pic :tup:


Wow… whould I have loved to get this picture lol

Haven’t seen that, :tup:

Found pics this morning of the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland. Check it out:


X2 (3?)

nice pics

This is from the volcano that was all over europe now:

^There are plenty of pictures now from that volcano that are similar to the one in the OP. Scary shit.

WOW…that is…incredible.

This reminds me of a certain mod who won’t come on my boat.

“I don’t fuck with water.”

“What? Why not?”

“I dunno. The same reason I don’t fuck with outer space.”


That volcano in Iceland sucks big time. My fiancee and I were supposed to stop in Reykjavik on our honeymoon cruise. That was the stop I was looking forward to the most, and the reason we got a starboard side balcony room. :frowning:

Who knows how much of our cruise will be affected now.

Obviously there are people that are waaay more affected than us by this, and I hope they come out alright.
