Motherfucking ow. (Idk if you'd call this gore, but there's blood.)

Couldnt see shit today when I was behind you in front of Aperativo… fuckin fizzle blockin traffic in the paralized parking area!

Wtf lol in what?

Benny, get that checked out now. To put it simple, my infection started as a corneal abrasion.

Yeah, I don’t think a drunken poke will get him a Porsche… Doctors Benny, but better get a better story… didn’t it happen in home depot somehow?

Family vanster

Man that must have been some good weed Benny :lol

god damn home depot sign was hanging wicked low.

im gonna give it a couple days…hold on ill grab another pic tell me if you think its getting better :rofl

You can see the blood’s starting to move to the bottom of my eye, the top part is getting pink ie: less bloody

It’s a bit sore, vision hasn’t been effected at all

I think I’ll be ok

Even if I wanted to go get it checked out I have no idea who to go to :rofl

An opthamologist would be the logical choice…

No, Gynecologist.

Yeah, I would pay the doctor a visit. You can’t do shit if you lost your vision or getting it impaired, especially if you like driving.

Cornea Consultants in Albany.

my mother is a eye specialist she works in dr stazier off ice in colinie

go see a proctologist, have him shine a light in ur as and see if it comes out glowing red. no but srsly man, OW! go definitely see a doc about this. even if they say its nothing, at least youll know.

My mom worked for like 20 years as an eye surgery tech and in an ophthalmologist’s office in San Diego, she says its fine.

can i touch it? :smiley:

My eyeball? Fuck no man thats weird.

does it hurt at all?

Not really anymore, kinda feels like there’s something stuck in it at times. If i touch it/rub it at all it aches a bit but that’s it.

Basically all it is is a serious bruise on my eyeball.

do you rinse it with anything?