Mothers Day

She loved you, she cared for you, she changed your diapers, but most importantly she carried you around for 9 months and shot you out of small hole in her body.

Need some ideas on how to say thanks for all of that stuff. Some ideas outside of the usual “Spa Day” would be nice too. Would like to do something special this year (could be any event/gift idea) but shopping for a lady in her fifties is something I dont excel at.


whats your $$$ limit?


Douchy answer I know, but personally I wouldn’t mind spending any amount for the right idea. Ive considered everything from a cruise to wine tour so I guess anything is really an option. Obviously if I could get some tears out of $40 and something personal that’d be nice too but I’m open to anything

The usual.
Card. Flowers. New purse she has been eyeing.

Ill help you out … a condom and a time machine, baazziinng.


Im gonna buy my mom electronic cigarettes because im tired of her smoking and asking me to go run to the store to buy her beer and cigarettes!

Yeah I think card and flowers always do the trick. Did purse last year.

Take her out for a nice brunch and spend the day with her and family. Flowers she can plant in the yard if she’s into that kinda stuff.

Is that what you purchased for your mother for mothers day?

Falcon punch & tell that bitch to get me a sandwich

I always got my mom a card that woul make her cry and a bunch of flowers for her to plant, she loved gardening.

You know your mom better than we do, so it’s kind of hard to say what to get her when we dont know any of her interests

I’m off the hook this year as they’re living on their yacht in the Caribbean somewhere.

1800flowers is always a good bet. I works for me every year and i don’t have to worry much.

Yeah she’s a pretty generic middle aged bag, I like the gardening stuff, that was definitely on the list was still looking a little deeper.

And , can never go wrong with the delivered flowers, I’ll typically do that every year too.

NSFW (Language)

This is a great idea. After a whole day with her I can hang myself.

Lol well played

And yeah looks like the brunch is already happening. Anybody got anything else, I’m demanding lol.

Where can i buy some E-ciggs for my mom to help her addiction.

I’m rebuilding the raised veggie garden she ignored for a few years and wants to use again. A card that’ll make her cry as usual, too