Moto Razor Maxx Ve

^^^Video of it owrking

March 17th is the “supposed” release date and i am getting one for sure! 50MB of space,2.0 MP camera and broadband like DLing FTW!

razr’s are beat

I agree thats y i never bought one…until now…

haha. i just hope they change the buttons around a little. they suck on the razr krazr, slivr and whatever other kinds of zr phones they make

Well from what i saw they changed the whole phone around all together,i have the KRZR now n hated it when i first got it but it has grown on me,not as fast as my E815 though becasue they have not upgraded any kind of software for it yet.

ehh…it don’t look to bad…

but i agree wit chad the razr’s are beat

motorola sucks as a phone manufacturer… LG or Samsung till i die!

Eh samsungs are junk and i kinda agree with u on LG’s simply becasue i have owned them b4,but LG’;S are so boring with their menus n not to mention the chocolates had major problems

:whitey: speaks the truth …LG ftw

my phone is far from boring and its a LG…

and does it really matter if ur phone isn’t entertaining u with there Menus ?.. i mean it is a PHONE ! used to make and receive call/texts

yeah i got the sickest lg phone for verizon and its the 8600, super pimp, this is the one motorola is trying to copy with the razr maxx.

but you dont have a wii!!!

the LG lasted me 2 years of hard abuse… then I went to this shitty ass razr and it lasted about 1 month.

The blackjack is the fucking shit, no doubt about it! one of the best phones on the market!

nothing special IMO…i think they are just a fad…an icon like the ipod…

some people call all mp3 players ipods just like some poeple think all thin phones are razrs…

i dont think they are anything special & feel cheap.

as far as thin phones… the katana, the blade & the LG8600 are top dogs.

the blackjack is a slick phone…but i don’t like windows phones…palm FTW!

Two things I dislike about my Razr phone now. One, the buttons on the side of the phone can’t be “locked” and that makes it all to easy to shut your ringer off while the phone is in your pocket. Two, the battery life is very short when you use Bluetooth.

FYI abotu new phones.

the new LG Prada is SICK!!!
LG prada > iphone

& samsung has a few new phones coming out too that are very nice looking.
(thin phones, twin hinge, qwerty phones)

as long as razr’s have been around you think they would be great phones…but they suck…and that maxx is on cingulars network…there is nothing “broadband like” with their edge network…its hella slow. if you wan’t higher speed downloads you need to be on a cdma network…ex. sprint or verizon

I am very happy with my Motorola. i don’t like Samsung but i do like LG

That LG prada looks pretty good. One reason why I’d switch to a gsm network is so I can get unlocked phones.

FYI,i am talking baout the MAXX for vewrizon. i agree tha tthe razor is pure fucking junk but moto does have some nice phones,i mainly use my krzr(btw aloooooooooot better than the razr) for music,text,video n pix so it does it’s job wuit well. And as far as u guys with problems with ur razrs u can hack into them n change the firmware on em to alltell as well as change many many options. LG’s are nice don’t get me wrong but they are all so god awfull ugly n bulky adn i have briken my last few by dropping em from my pocket adn that aint high.:doh:

I am getting my 2 gig card shortly for it so i can have even more music. As far as the MAXX goes, it is supposed to be far superior to the razr in every way including firmware,size,durability and space so i will try it out. Just so happens i get verizon phones for fairly cheap n if i don’t like me i will ebay em n get 2-3 times my money back:burnout: