Motocross photos at rushford lake. (updated with new pics 9/9/09)

These were taken on saturday at the rushford lake track. what a bitch it was hiking these hills up and down. only a few riders at the time which were friends and there father, but heres some pictures for you motocross guys.

this is a picture of my buddy bryan taking a turn, what you dont see is him going over the handle bars right after this picture was taken, you can see his wheel is turned way to much in the picture, it dug right into the dirt/dust and just stuck.

this is the family, the father on the left, the youngest ben in the middle, and bryan on the right.

more to come!

that track looks like shit…as in far too much rock not enough dirt. I would HATE riding on that. must not have been a wnyma race, i think this weekend was AIRmx in arcade, which I missed

Is this a private track on their land? If so :tup: rocks or not. I would have loved to have my own MX track back when I was riding.

this track was a private owned track they setup for people to pay and ride at there own time. they then did a year of actual races and was setup for good racing, they have sprinklers and everything, they just didnt maintain it before i went, it needed to get sprayed down and groomed, but they didnt, its now again private, but if you get in with them, you can pay, they give you a key, so when ever you feel like riding, you just go, unlock the gate and have fun! it was only the 3 of them and me. i didnt ride at all but still fucking sweet to watch. over all, its honestly a nice track. only problem. you get hurt, have fun paying for mercy flight! thats pretty much the only thing your leaving on. which they tend to show up once every 2 weeks! lol

edit: the track is not the rocky, just notice, the pictures i have where they are going through the water, that is where you enter the track, not actually race on it. the turns, they look like rocks but they are big clumps of dirt. there are some rocks on the straights, all the turns are just dirt/dust/loose shit! like i said, it wasnt groomed!

as you can see in the one picture on the turn, hit wheel is over turned, his front tire sunk right into the dirt sending him over the handle bars, nothing bad, just funny it happened right infront of me.

have any more info on the track rental? Do they allow atv’s?

That track looks amazing for a private track. I love tracks that have a lot of elevation changes to them.

ugh i want a dirt bike

that used to be my teams test track, more info soon

heres the rest of what i have taken. some alright, some ehh. but my first pictures taken for motocross.

this is not focus on the rider but the plant instead.

so are there as many rocks as you were thinking, or is there far less?

NYSpeed track day?

I would pay to ride on that, with a few people. I like riding on the tracks but I have to much fun playing on the jumps and what not. I’d rather not race lol

EDIT: I would be willing to pay and put in man hours to help to ride there.

I need to get out on my kx250f, never ride the thing anymore.

anyone that would like info on a number to contact this guy let me know. ill see what i can do. ill talk to my buddies and see if theres a number you can contact for either the end of this year or if your looking for next year.

thats pretty cool, i didnt even know there was a track out there!