motorcycle license

Just please get some good, CE certified, protective gear…

You should plan on at least a helmet (of course), gloves (full gauntlet leather), boots, a good leather jacket with some hard padding, and a back protector that at least goes inside the jacket, the better ones strap to your back. Of course a one piece or 2 piece leather suit are the best, but not alot of people want to resemble a power ranger. Most of the time I would leave the one piece at home and just wear jeans, and all the other stuff I mentioned.

You don’t have to get the best of the best but even mid priced gear will put you at about $1000 for everything you should have. Then figure every 2-3 years you’ll have to replace some stuff, your gloves will have holes in them (one season for me). I was spending about $500 each season to update up my gear.

So figure that into your budget…

You can save some decent coin on GAS prices. Most all modern bikes get at least 30mpg. However figure in tires, a front every 4k and a rear every 2k. Extra insurance, gear, maintnence, mods. It can get pretty expensive…

The worst part is sweating your ass off in the summer commuting. When you are moving it’s fine, but when you have to stop, it can actually hurt. It’s 90 degrees, you have a leather jacket, jeans, boots, gloves, helmet, the street is probably 140 deg., and your machine you are sitting on is 200+ degrees. You just have to get USED to being HOT.

Ride safe and good luck. Read Willy’s post, good stuff.