Motorcycle rental? vs. buffalo?

Sooo, i was borrowing a bike (from a buddy) for this sunday to take my wife on a little ride ~30 miles.

Well, my buddy had to back out b/c of problems with the bike …aka it lost spark and might not be able to get the parts for it til monday… Now that leaves me in a bind with my suprize. Does any know of a motorcycle rental place in buffalo? Or Would like to swap a ride on a bike for a night ( ~4pm - 10 pm) for a snowmobile ride of the same time frame in the winter.


I was going to post something useful based on the title of the tread…then i read the first few words, and got too frustrated to be willing to help you.



Not my fault, frustration causes me to miss keys. At least mine was an honest mistake/mis-stroke, and not ignorance.


But i will not correct/edit my post, because i deserve to have it pointed out regardless.



Ill do it for you then 90NA300ZX

What kind of competition is Buffalo playing Motorcycle Rental in? Where is Motorcycle Rental anyways.

/badjoke (but srsly people…)

The next off topic post gets an infraction.

no pass. pegs, and i doubt she’d want to ride on the back of the supermoto anyways or i’d give you mine…

sorry to hear man, ill ask a buddy of mine. did u ever go talk to them at shanghi about it all?

Hell! I have a call/ txt in to a family member, and if i dont hear anything from them, of can find anything else, she can lift her legs for 20 miles! lol!

on my way there tonight! thks man let me know.

I’ll loan you mine Dan. :slight_smile:

Erie PA has the closest bike rental I know of. :gotme: