Mount and balance

So I recently picked up a set of Mugen GP 18’s and a set of yokohama s drives to wrap them in. Now I need a place that wont scab my new wheels up in the process of mounting and balancing. The last thing I need is to see a wheel weight pounded on my new rims, or the bore all gouged to shit. Call me anal but if my new wheels get scars it’s going to be from me, not some dick who didn’t know what he was doing with a tire machine.

With that out of the way, does anyone here know of a place or work at a place that will not do the things I described above? I’m looking to do this this Monday only because I really want to see how they look on my car and not stacked in the corner of one of my spare rooms.

I know MIMMO @ 518 Motorsports can do that for ya

Is someone there tomorrow so I can call and set up a time for Monday?

There should be

482-2277? is that right?

no, 512-3158

get a can of brake clean or starting fluid and mount them yourself. get them balanced wherever.

While were on the topic of mounting and balancing does any shop around here do Road Force Balancing?

Im having trouble with my tires being out of balance (cheap tires the dealer put on) and RFB was suggested on an F150 forum. It somehow presses down on the tire and simulates driving down the road instead of just free spinning like most normal balancers.

And how do you pronounce his name? is it like me mo, mim o, or my mo? I just don’t like to mispronounce people’s names some people get offended.

Dave @ Inline typically does mine.


Where abouts are they located?

Altamont avenue in Rotterdam