^^ perhaps this entire concept was lost on you don!
the brother in law’s were scared shitless after watching “It” when they were kids…
so, what did the mother in law do…
put on a clown costume and knowcked on their door
to scare the crap out of them. :tup:
Graveyard Shift: Giant Mutant Rat
Peter you’re too heavy!
were going down buddy
The Angry Princess from 13 Ghosts :headbang:
That goddam alien scared the shit out of me when I was little. The way the little fucker popped out of the corn field? :tdown:
WINNER /end thread
WINNER /end thread
I was going to post this in response to the critters pic because in TMNT #1, raph is walks out of the theater where critters is playing, then proceeds to say “where do they come up with this stuff”. Shortly after he runs into casey jones in the park after a run in with some of the foot clan’s riff raff.
fuck the foot clan.
fuck the foot clan.
+1 and shredder
This motherfucker from lord of the rings (Belrog)
This motherfucker from lord of the rings (Belrog)
Hell Yeah
I loved that dude from Silent Hill, scared the shit out of my g/f
Heres one more before I get back to work. pitch black
stay puft the marshmellow man
Starship Troopers - Arachnid Spider Warrior
Movie read like a bad USARMY commercial but these things were downright viscious