Favorite and/or Scariest Movie You've Seen?

Seeing as it’s October and all, I like to watch a good horror flick every once in a while. I feel like I’ve seen a lot of the mainstream stuff, I was wondering what your favorites were? Anything that was just downright disturbing? The more perverse and dark, the better. Something that will haunt me for weeks.


the saw movies a really good, it could really happen in real life. their coming out with a five on the 25th.

fucking pet cemetary. omg.

not scary but decent Rob Lowe’s salems lot.

high school musical x2

American Haunting was creepy.

I love the SAW movies tho. They are not scary as much as they are cool.


This movie haunted my childhood.

Do they still make scary movies that aren’t just 100% gore?

I always thought the first Children of the Corn was really creepy.

The Truman Show adversely affected my life like you could never imagine.

I don’t normally watch horror movies. They usually suck, and I like laughing too much. From what I saw of them, the Saw movies weren’t too bad, however.

the first 2 hellraiser movies



If i wanted to see creepy kid touchers i would just follow ILC around.

I disagree, the shitty acting in those could never happen in real life. and when i say shitty acting you could probably cast the cast of romper room and they would do better in those movies…

PS the first one was the only good story line also.


Jesus fuck. Watch your goddamn Achilles…

Pet Cemetary/Re-surfacing of Childhood Fears meet?

Wait, you mean people actually kept watching the saw movies after the 2nd one?


Ok, so I’m showing my age here, but I was 11-12 when Poltergeist came out. That movie fucked me up for months. I still have a tough time watching it.

Go put your hand up to the TV you pansy…


Event Horizon, love it.

I guess im a purist when i say exorcist, the remastred one with the chick crawling on the stairs freaks me out.