Favorite and/or Scariest Movie You've Seen?

rob, good choice, awesome movie.

I was shocked no one mentioned it.

amityville horror is good too

that movie still scares me, but i can’t figure out why.

i just watched it the other day. i CAN say that it scared me more than any other movie ever did, when i saw it as a kid.

i heard Shutter is pretty scary

Walt Disney Cartoon Classics: Halloween Haunts.


When i was very young this scared the crap out of me. When poor Pluto was facing his judgment by the devil?? god damn. They were burning his tail n shit… thank GOD he was just having a nightmare.

The other part where Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are ghost busters at that mansion, and those crafty ghosts play scary tricks on them? Eesh, nightmares for months.

Whats that movie by rob zombie? That was is pretty good!!

House of 1000 corpses

It wasnt scary it was just like texas chainsaw massacre.

House of 1000 corpses really isn’t THAT similar to TCM

I really like both of those movies:

House of 1000 Corpses
The Devil’s Rejects

I have hooked up with girls to those movies SOOO many times. Lol.

dude the plot is soooo similiar you are so wrong CTN!

oh yeah, no shit… same here.

The original Omen movies scared me to death as a child as well. To this day, I’m scared to let medical staff take blood/give me shots.

house of 1000 was real good, but I wouldn’t really classify it as scary… it’s more bizarre/fucked than anything

totally dlding pet semetary right now, its on the pirate bay for anyone interested

lol i did the same thing. In4childhoodfearsparty?

Event Horizon was a GREAT true horror movie; still creeps me out to this day.

The 1st and 2nd Alien Movies are another 2 good ones; after that they got pretty “rough” to put it nicely.

Otherwise, there aren’t too many I’m impressed with; now a days nothings really Horror in the true sense of horror movies; more gore than horror.

I think the closest we get now are apocalyptic-type epidemic movies. A lot of “What if” themes about all humanity being stripped away… 28 days/weeks later (both really amazing IMO), “of the dead” movies (diary of the dead was crap :frowning: ), …the happening…ugh…, I Am Legend, etc…

There are two coming out that are kind of similar; Quarantine and Blindness…
Quarantine looks pretty cheesy though.

I can say Event Horizon has been one of the only movies ever to scare me. Such a great film and the plot is off da chain ya hhearrddd.

On that note the only “Halloween” movie worth seeing to me this year, is the new Saw.

event horizon is a great flick :tup:

I dont know quarantine looks promsing. and for the last time saw sucks its just shocking stuff tied together with the worst acting ever.