Devil’s rejects just made me feel dirty. I had to shower afterward. They pretty much just took North Tonawanda, intensified it by about 100 times or so, and called it a movie. Too much white trash for my liking.
ok i gotta dl this event horizon, you bitches better be correct about it being a good flick
You suck if you think Saw sucks… The plots are amazing and even without the great plots, if you decide to just call it a “slasher movie” as opposed to a “suspense movie” it still kicks ass.
it’s awesome. Just ignore the special effects though lol they’re a little dated (mid-90’s CGI)
holy shit… wow, I remember seeing that when I was in 3rd grade at my teachers house…
lol u perv!!!
dude seriuos? come on man i have seen child actors on barney mor convincing than these shitfeasts you call movies.
Shit Feast???
The acting in some of the movies were hit or miss but thats the only complaint.
seasonal bump
Fuck yes! That part gets me every time. It’s just not humanly normal lol. I guess what makes that movie so scary is just that there really are some messed up people out there and you just don’t know when you could run into one.
LOL this was a favorite of mine. I know my parents still have it on tape but yeah it had its “scary” parts to it lol. I always felt bad for Donald Duck after the witch made him ram into the locked closet over and over to bust the door down. That witch was pretty funny though.
Scariest Movie ever (if you are a guy): Fatal Attraction, because that shit can and does happen.
The original Candyman made me afraid of the bathroom when I was a kid. lol Event Horizon and The Thing were scary too. I cant believe The Excorist or The Shining havent been mentioned. I love old scary movies
Event Horizon… watched it in the theater because it was written by one of my favorite Sci-Fi authors but I had no idea what it was about… boy was I surprised, lol.
What ever happened to Dr.Stevil? Seeing this thread reminded me of what a regular he was.
Flower of Flesh and Blood…cause it’s based on a true crime.
+1 on Candyman…did the same to me
It was when this thread was originally created.
I had an “uncut” tape of The Exorcist that I tried to give away at a halloween party and NO ONE would take it. I think I eventually burned it. lol Scariest by far.
haha old thread!
I don’t know, I’m kind of excited for Paranormal Activity 2. The first one was fun to watch.
I watched case 39 the other night. It was decent, at best. My girlfriend and i both jumped at quite a few parts though.
I also re-watched night of the living dead, dawn of the dead (the old one) and day of the dead. All 3 are just great, if you can ignore the dated music that springs up now and then.